Sunday, 28 February 2010

Thriller audience research proposal

What I want to find out:
1. What do the audience think are typical thriller characters, and whether they are effective. (eg. Femme fatales, Gangster bosses etc.)
2. What sub-genre of thriller do the audience prefer (eg. Film noir, La Noir, British gangster etc)
3. What does the audience expect to see when they go to a mainstream thriller, rather than an independant. (eg differences in editing, special FX etc)
4. What are stereotypical thriller props, and whether audiences think they work well in modern film making (eg, hand gun, cigarettes, suave cars etc)
5. How costumes differenciate in the subgenres of Thriller, and whether they affect the audiences opinion of the film.

How I am going to find this out:
1. Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Email Interviews and questions
4. Online Surveys
5. Text interviews and questions

What I expect to find out:
1. The stereotypical characters, will be preferred by most audience types, however some will prefer something different, unusual and unconventional.
2. I expect film noir, and British gangster films to be amoung the most popular of the sub genres.
3. They expect to see a much more expensively, and professionally looking made film. With special FX and better editing.
4. They work well, as they are expected, but can be used in so many different effective ways.
5. Costumes are very important to a film, so if all the characters are dressed in things which don’t suit their character, the film will not be as effective.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Final Shot List

Shot list:

Heres a list of all the shots (in order) that we hope to use when filming, this is the final shot list as we have thought over it several times, However this may be different from the final shots we come to use on the day of filming.

On Entering station:
1. Low angle shot of the girls shoes walking into Norwich city train station.
2. Zoom in to close up of large analogue station clock.
3. Sequential mid to long shots linked by jump cuts to show setting and passers by to imply the girls isolation in the large crowd and desperation to get away.
4. Close up of departures list

On Entering train:
1. A long shot above the girl to represent her isolation inside the station.
2. Lots of Side long shots of the main character and other passers by at the train station just before the character gets on the train.
3. Close up of the girls bagand belongings to show and empthasise that she is running away.
4. An extreme close up of characters hand, grabbing the handle bar of the trains door.
5. A jump cut and close up of the characters train ticket.
6. A mid shot facing character's rear as she boards the train. And as the character turns to sit down, the camera pans to the right and follows her from the outside of the train station while they get to their seat.
7. The camera is stationary while the train pulls out of the station, showing the train move.

On train:
1. Long shot (one end of carriage, filming character walk to seat)
2. Jump cut to side mid shot of character and empty seat opposite.
3. Extreme close up of coffee cup/magazine/ items on table
4. Close up of girl looking outside the window. Shows her isolation.
5. Jump cuts of scenery outside train
6. Jump cut to black screen title sequence initiated, background noise of train stopping