Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it to the full product?
moving on from my continuiety task, i think i have fully learnt how to incoperate original ideas and ones i have been inspired by from other thriller films to fully achieve my aims in my thriller opening. The group planning, and construction in the premilimary task taught me the value of everyones own personal preferences and ideas, which coming together can create an imaginative production; this is very important when contstructing a piece for a large audience. Finding an appropiate soundtrack and title sequence is also something I believe to have learnt, as this was a part i mainly played in the editing of our thriller opening. I feel i have also learnt more advanced filming techniques such as ECU, tilt and over-the-shoulder shots and how these can be used to connotate my ideas and create the imagery I desire. I have also progressed in learning how to handle the technology used in the film making process, such as the video camera, and editing equipment.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our genre of choice is that of British Gangster; aiming at a target audience of late teens to late twenties, with this in mind our opening must be modern and relevent to todays society, this is achieved in the shots of Eve, set in ambient light in a modern location alongside modern costume. The aspects of noir, the black and white shots of the male character, add an inviting twist to the opening, setting out to remain relevent alongside capturing the slick, cool aspects of films such as 'The Third Man' and 'Double Indemnity', the contrast on how immorality and bleakness is presented from either aspect making it much more intresting than the run-of-the-mill gangster flick. With these two aspects in mind, this greatly widens the target audience age gap, therfore making our opening a much more easier film to exhibit and distribute.

(above) an still from our film presenting the noir aspects and (further above) another to present the modern aspect that together widens our target audience.

One film that also uses the aspects of noir and modern thriller is neo-noir film 'Sin City', which in incorparating these factors made it a very famous modern-day film.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
How does your thriller represent particular social groups?
How does your thriller represent particular social groups?
We have two main characters in our opening, both our main characters are British White Caucassian. In our opening we represent both male and female genders. The main character Eve is a petite white female, and suggests a slight femme fatale which is a convention of the thriller sub genre; film noir. In "the neurotic" we stick to the sterotype that women have less control, and their decissions are made be males. This is shown in our opening,as Eve is running away from her stalker who, although it was her choice to move away, her stalker forced her. Eves running away, represents her trying to get away, and start a new life, and escape her past. Our opening shows women to be weaker and inferior to men. However not necesarily more emotional, as Harleys character appears to be more emotionally unstable, with a much darker side. We tried to show this side, by using Chirascuro lighting, a technique used greatly in film noirs.
Eves character may also represnt a more alternative type of teenager. This is suggested through her black hair, and style of clothing (unknown band t-shirt, tight jeans). It could suggest that she doesnt want to conform to something. However it is not clear what that something is. Perhaps how her stalker wishes her to live, or behave.
In our opening "the neurotic" there is also a negative represntation of males. As our male lead is a physcotic stalker, who is prepared to make "the love of his life" suffer pain like him. Ultimately our thriller contrasts between genders rather than sterotypes, although both genders have been sterotyped. There is also a large contrast between the Villian (Harley) and seemingly innocent victim (Eve).
Monday, 19 April 2010
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
3)What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
If our thriller opening was to be shown at any cinemas, it is more likely to be ditributed at an independant cinema such Cinema City. Our film is very unlikey to be shown at a larger mainstream cinema, such as Vue or Odeon. This is due to our films British Independant genre, With our low budget, and uncovential techniques, such as an eery voice over, and soundtrack, and our mix between coloured and black and white shots.
However it is more likely that our film would not be shown at a cinema at all, like alot of low budget independant films. It might instead be realeased by us (the production company) onto the internet. Although this has complications, as our lack of copyright, means that anyone may steal, or reproduce our work, legally, and may take credit for what we have done. However we could put it on a site where people have to pay to download it, and where it may not be bit torrented. We could also upload clips on to websites like youtube, and metacafe, as a means of publicity and advertising, making our thriller more likely to be viewed.
Our film could also be shown on Tv, by channels such as film four, and channel four, which support independantly made films. However it would not be played at a peak viewing time, it would probably be played later, like after 10 o'clock at night. By showing our film on these channels we are more likely to show it to our target audience, 16-30 year olds, with and interest in independant indie films. Also our film could go straight to dvd, and be sold on a site like Amazon, which is more likely than us being able to get it onto television, or in a cinema, unless it is bought by a bigger company, to do the marketing for us.
If our thriller opening was to be shown at any cinemas, it is more likely to be ditributed at an independant cinema such Cinema City. Our film is very unlikey to be shown at a larger mainstream cinema, such as Vue or Odeon. This is due to our films British Independant genre, With our low budget, and uncovential techniques, such as an eery voice over, and soundtrack, and our mix between coloured and black and white shots.
However it is more likely that our film would not be shown at a cinema at all, like alot of low budget independant films. It might instead be realeased by us (the production company) onto the internet. Although this has complications, as our lack of copyright, means that anyone may steal, or reproduce our work, legally, and may take credit for what we have done. However we could put it on a site where people have to pay to download it, and where it may not be bit torrented. We could also upload clips on to websites like youtube, and metacafe, as a means of publicity and advertising, making our thriller more likely to be viewed.
Our film could also be shown on Tv, by channels such as film four, and channel four, which support independantly made films. However it would not be played at a peak viewing time, it would probably be played later, like after 10 o'clock at night. By showing our film on these channels we are more likely to show it to our target audience, 16-30 year olds, with and interest in independant indie films. Also our film could go straight to dvd, and be sold on a site like Amazon, which is more likely than us being able to get it onto television, or in a cinema, unless it is bought by a bigger company, to do the marketing for us.
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