A Femme Fatale is typical a seductive, beautiful, alluring woman, who uses her charm to seduce and manipulate men, to get what she wants. She often leads her male victims in dangerous or even deadly situations. Femme fatales are used frequently in film noir. Int the original Film Noir era, women's sexuality was often exploited, usually to sell a film or product.
Femme fatale is the french phase for "deadly Woman". A femme fatale usually has a hidden purpose, and she uses her feminine wiles to achieve it. In Film Noir, almost all female Characters are femme fatales in one way or another. They usually have Exceptional Beauty, and occasionaly large amounts of charisma.
Like the female character in the opening of sin city. Her red dress, exolits her feminine sexuality, yet to her advantage. Her dark eye make-up and bright red lipstick are typical of the film noir femme fatale. However, she does not get what she wants, as she is exploited and murdered for money.

Just like in "Sin City", not all Femme Fatales get what they want. Some can be victims trapped in a world they dont want to belong in, this is also the case in "The Lady From Shanghai" ( a film noir made in1948)
Although Femme Fatales are typically Villians, in some films they have played heroines, or have began the film being evil, however by the end they have repented for their sins and become the heroines.

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