Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it to the full product?
Who would be the audience for your media product?

Sunday, 25 April 2010
How does your thriller represent particular social groups?
Eves character may also represnt a more alternative type of teenager. This is suggested through her black hair, and style of clothing (unknown band t-shirt, tight jeans). It could suggest that she doesnt want to conform to something. However it is not clear what that something is. Perhaps how her stalker wishes her to live, or behave.
Monday, 19 April 2010
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
If our thriller opening was to be shown at any cinemas, it is more likely to be ditributed at an independant cinema such Cinema City. Our film is very unlikey to be shown at a larger mainstream cinema, such as Vue or Odeon. This is due to our films British Independant genre, With our low budget, and uncovential techniques, such as an eery voice over, and soundtrack, and our mix between coloured and black and white shots.
However it is more likely that our film would not be shown at a cinema at all, like alot of low budget independant films. It might instead be realeased by us (the production company) onto the internet. Although this has complications, as our lack of copyright, means that anyone may steal, or reproduce our work, legally, and may take credit for what we have done. However we could put it on a site where people have to pay to download it, and where it may not be bit torrented. We could also upload clips on to websites like youtube, and metacafe, as a means of publicity and advertising, making our thriller more likely to be viewed.
Our film could also be shown on Tv, by channels such as film four, and channel four, which support independantly made films. However it would not be played at a peak viewing time, it would probably be played later, like after 10 o'clock at night. By showing our film on these channels we are more likely to show it to our target audience, 16-30 year olds, with and interest in independant indie films. Also our film could go straight to dvd, and be sold on a site like Amazon, which is more likely than us being able to get it onto television, or in a cinema, unless it is bought by a bigger company, to do the marketing for us.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our Thriller opening was highly influenced by other films, such as Se7en, and Strangers on a Train. However I feel our thriller challenges many sterotypical conventions of the thriller genre, and the British gangster sub-genre.
Some Films that influenced us included:
Red Road (Directed by Andrea Arnold)
Our storyline was strongly influenced by that of Red Road. This film also influenced the camera angle useds. As some shots of Eve seemed as though they were taken from cctv, just like in Red Road, however we used quick cuts with other varied shots, to stop it from looking like a cctv tracking shot. However unlike in Red Road, we broke conventions, by choosing to have a voice over instead of dialogue throughout. Meaning that the story is being narrated, rather than waiting for it to be told or shown by the characters. The eerie voice over also adds depth to our opening, and affirms it as a thriller.
We also used mainstream Film noir conventions although our opening is of independant British Gangster genre. We used Black and white for the stalkers shots, as this adds to his mystery, and the black, suggests isolation. We also used conventions of L.A noir for Harley's shots too, as we used lights coming through the blinds in the office, to add shadows to his face. However we didnt use these conventions throughout, and we stuck to the British Gangster genre, these being the only film noir techniques we used, for instance we did not use 1950s costumes, or have a sterotypical femme fatale, although it may be suggested that Eve played the femme fatale in our opening, she was not that of a typical film noir style.
We were influenced by the Film Se7en too. We used similar titles in our opening, as we put them over the action, so it keeps it fast paced. We also used a links of fast paced shots cutting between two different people, showing their stories are linked, which is also used in Se7en. However we decided not to use a soundtrack like in Se7en, as we feared it might make our opening look like a music video, rather than a film. However rather than just have a voice over, we added a soundtrack too, just like in Layer Cake, another film that highly influenced our production.
Although we may have used many different conventions from the thriller genre, i feel we also broke and challenged a few, such as rather than have the male character holding all the cards, and sugesting what will happen next, we decided to give this authority to the female character, eve. However she was obviously still under the power of the male, as she was running away from him, and being forced to leave everything behind. However her next moves, suggest the direction of the film.
We also broke conventions by never showing the Male characters face. This adds an heir of msytery, as well is meaning that it didnt matter if our actor didnt look too menancing, as his main influence was added through the voice over.
Other Thrillers that influenced our thriller
- Se7en - Directed by David Fincher
- Layer Cake - Directed by Matthew Vaughn
- L'homme Du Train - Directed by Patrice Leconte
- Strangers On A Train - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
The opening squence of Se7en influenced our thriller greatly. Its opening is eerie, and uses quick editing and fast cuts to create this. We used this in our thriller opening by cutting between Eve and her stalker. Se7en also uses a lot of close ups linked with quick editing throughout the titles, we also used this to keep up the pace of our opening, and to stop it from being boring. We also kept the titles over the action, just like in Se7en, so that there was no black screen shots, to keep the opening energetic, and fast paced, as is our thriller. However we didnt use a soundtrack, we used a Voice over similar to the opening of Layer Cake.
The voice over is used to tell the plotline of the film, or history which is needed to prevent the viewer being confused. Layer Cake uses this to tell the History of Drugs, which is what the film is based on. We used a voice over, to add an eerie note to our opening, and inform the audience as to why Eve was on the run.
We used L'homme du train and Strangers on a train, for camera shots and angles, as both are set on trains. We used low angle shots of Eve's feet as shes walking to the train platform, this is also used in Strangers on a plane, which used low angle cuts of two people, tracking them through the train station. We also used fast cuts from both films, cutting between eve and her stalker, to show that their story is entwined.
Characters - New storyline
Eve: (played by Sarah Gamble)
Eve is the main character, she is on the run from a possessive stalker.
Character profile:
• Age: Eve is 16/17
• Height: 5 1”
• She comes from a middle class background.
• She is scared, and fragile.
• When on the train she comes across as moody, later on in the opening, it is revealed that this is because she is leaving everything behind to get away from her stalker.
• She comes across as innocent, this is reinforced by her name “Eve” as it is a biblical name.
• She has dark Brunette hair, suggesting a darker past.
• She is petite, this represents her vulnerability.
Stalker: (played by Harley Evans)
The stalker is a possessive, obsessive 20 year old man, with an errational obsession for Eve. He wont leave her alone, no matter how many times she turns him down, and has the creepy view that “if i cant have her, no one can”.
Character Profile:
• Age: 20
• Height: 5 8”
• Comes from a middle class background.
• The height difference between Eve and her stalker, reinforce her vulnerability, and his power over her physically, hence why she is running away.
• His mousy brown hair, show him to be something ordinary, and plain, however the trench coat he wears suggests there is more to him that meets the eye, and adds an heir of mystery.
Script for voice over
'She is more beautiful than the last sunset of summer, or the first snow flake of winter, and she was mine but not anymore, she is gone, where? why? There is only one thing I know for certain, she will regret leaving me. I will be her biggest mistake! Her friends say I'm unstable, I'm obsessed, but the irreparable damage I will cause will make them understand. I will show them how it feels to be crushed to feel nothing, constantly numb. My heart is an open wound that wont heal. If I can't have her no one can. I make her suffer the pain I feel every day if only for a moment a second of what I feel, will make her understand how it feels to be me. I'm isolated, but I am not alone I am tormented by my thoughts constantly. I'm never fully conscious in a state of waking sleep. But now its her nightmare...'
Harley uses a deep voice while doing this piece, making the audience feel unease, as it represents how possesive he is of Eve.
The voice over is played throughout the opening, along with the soundtrack, and does not play throughout the whole thing.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Thriller audience research proposal
1. What do the audience think are typical thriller characters, and whether they are effective. (eg. Femme fatales, Gangster bosses etc.)
2. What sub-genre of thriller do the audience prefer (eg. Film noir, La Noir, British gangster etc)
3. What does the audience expect to see when they go to a mainstream thriller, rather than an independant. (eg differences in editing, special FX etc)
4. What are stereotypical thriller props, and whether audiences think they work well in modern film making (eg, hand gun, cigarettes, suave cars etc)
5. How costumes differenciate in the subgenres of Thriller, and whether they affect the audiences opinion of the film.
How I am going to find this out:
1. Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Email Interviews and questions
4. Online Surveys
5. Text interviews and questions
What I expect to find out:
1. The stereotypical characters, will be preferred by most audience types, however some will prefer something different, unusual and unconventional.
2. I expect film noir, and British gangster films to be amoung the most popular of the sub genres.
3. They expect to see a much more expensively, and professionally looking made film. With special FX and better editing.
4. They work well, as they are expected, but can be used in so many different effective ways.
5. Costumes are very important to a film, so if all the characters are dressed in things which don’t suit their character, the film will not be as effective.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Final Shot List
Heres a list of all the shots (in order) that we hope to use when filming, this is the final shot list as we have thought over it several times, However this may be different from the final shots we come to use on the day of filming.
On Entering station:
1. Low angle shot of the girls shoes walking into Norwich city train station.
2. Zoom in to close up of large analogue station clock.
3. Sequential mid to long shots linked by jump cuts to show setting and passers by to imply the girls isolation in the large crowd and desperation to get away.
4. Close up of departures list
On Entering train:
1. A long shot above the girl to represent her isolation inside the station.
2. Lots of Side long shots of the main character and other passers by at the train station just before the character gets on the train.
3. Close up of the girls bagand belongings to show and empthasise that she is running away.
4. An extreme close up of characters hand, grabbing the handle bar of the trains door.
5. A jump cut and close up of the characters train ticket.
6. A mid shot facing character's rear as she boards the train. And as the character turns to sit down, the camera pans to the right and follows her from the outside of the train station while they get to their seat.
7. The camera is stationary while the train pulls out of the station, showing the train move.
On train:
1. Long shot (one end of carriage, filming character walk to seat)
2. Jump cut to side mid shot of character and empty seat opposite.
3. Extreme close up of coffee cup/magazine/ items on table
4. Close up of girl looking outside the window. Shows her isolation.
5. Jump cuts of scenery outside train
6. Jump cut to black screen title sequence initiated, background noise of train stopping
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
BARB ratings - comparing Us and Uk drama, and their ratings

Through comparing the tables, Us drama appears to not do aswel in the UK, as Uk drama, as the highest viewing numbers reached were 6 million, compared to eastenders 11.67 million.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Thriller Locations
- Suitability, does it fit our storyline/ genre?
- Distance from where we live, as we cant go too far away just for an ideal location, due to cost, time and lack of transport.
- Easy to acces, it would be hard to shoot in a completly overgrown woods, a house thats about to fall down, due to safety.
Locations we chose:
We only needed one location, as our opening takes place on a train. So we considered local train stations we could use. Such as Norwich, Brundal and Whymondham.
Norwich Station:
Brundall Station:
Whymondham Station:
For our final location we chose Norwich station. We made this decision as it is bigger, and overall a nicer looking station. It will also help establish the fact that our character is going on a long journey, as trains to london only come from norwich. It is also all of the people in my group, and is easily accessable.
We deciced to use a train station for our location, as it signifies a long distance journey, compared to a Bus station, Plus it is easier to film on a train, as we can get off at an earlier point, due to frequent stops, unlike on long journey buses.
Trains and train stations are also used in other thrillers such as "The Third Man", in which the opening of the train doors, and the main character exits, this represents a new place for the character, and a new start. This is what we need to achieve in our opening.
Shots of train stations are also used in "strangers on a train", mainly low angle shots, of the characters feet, as they are trailed through the station, showing the two different lives, that meet on this train, and collide. We felt this would work well in our opening, so we are also using Train stations, and low angle tracking shots of our character, to reference this film.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Thriller Costumes
Girl's costume, is going to be casual, with a hoodie, skinny jeans and trainers. something comfortable, that will show she is travelling, or has got dressed quickly.
Female Costume:
The clothes used have to represent teenagers of today.
This outfit would appeal to our audience, as it is something teenagers would wear, and although mainstream, the costumes used are not expesive, thus fitting with our independant film genre.
In the clip the girl is wearing a pink top, this works well as the colour plays on her feminity, and makes her seem innocent, and perhaps younger than her actual age, thus making the audience automatically sympathetic to her, and her situation. However the T-shirts slogan "Death pays all debts" Suggests she is not as she seems, and has darker undernotes.

Although our film is not Film noir, the black trench coat is a classicaly film noir, thus making our film link in with another sub-genre of thriller. It is also mysterious and can sometimes be quite intemidating, and fits in well with the males character, and suggests he is a sterotypical stalker.
Thriller Props
- Cups of tea/coffe, packet of crisps, magazines, sweets, and a mobile, on the table seperating two seats, on the train.
- Train ticket
- Duffle bag, containing clothes, and toiletries.
- Ipod

Thriller Storyline (new idea)
New Storyline:
Tells the story of a teenage girl, who is on the run from a stalker. Who has been following her, and threatening her. The story begins with the girl boarding a train. The camera then cuts to the girls stalker, reaserching and making phone calls into her dissapearance. It then keeps cutting between the two, as a male voice over plays, which is the stalker, speaking eerily about how much he loves her, and "if he cant have her no one can".
Other thriller films that have influenced are idea, are "strangers on a train", and "seven". As we are going to choose shot types from both films. Such as low angle shots of the girls feet walking in the train station, as used in "strangers on a train".
Monday, 11 January 2010
Thriller Planning - Characters and Costumes
Thriller style - Film Noir, 1940s
The Initial storyline, for our thriller opening:
Our story begins with the female lead, Sapphire, moving a body. As she is trying to cover up the murder of her father. Who is a well known rich banker, and socialite.
- Sapphire (main character, femme fatale)
- Man One (Sapphire's father, unnamed, as no lines, and is dead)
Character Profile - Sapphire:
- Tall and glamourous.
- A socialite.
- Daughter of a rich Banker.
- 23 years old.
- un-married.
- Loves to shop - would be called a "gold-digga" by her enemies.
- Is well off, due to her fathers wealth.
Charcter Profile - Man one
•Is a Rich Banker.
•Father Of femme Fatale Sapphire.
•He’s 55 years old.
•Is murdered by his daughter for his money
•Slightly Overweight- likes to indulge in rich foods.
Sapphires Costume:
Vintage, glamourous clothing of a 1930s-1940s socialite.
Man One's Costume:
Will be concealed either in a body bag, or whatever Sapphire is trying to hide her fathers body in.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Film planning
We chose to have the male character walk downt the school corridor. we didnt use any close ups on this character, until he reached the door. We then did a close up, of him opening the door, and entering the room, (we used the media editing suite).
Our storyline for the task, involved the two characters, transfering something. In the clip, we didnt specify what, however we decided they were most likely to be swapping gig tickets.
We mainly used close ups and long distance shots. we would of used more, if we had chosen to use more locations. however I think we should of used more types of shots.
when filming we made sure that we stuck to the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule, is a rule used in filming, which means that the camera has to keep the same left to right relationship, and shouldnt cross the imaginary axis. This is to stop the viewer becoming confused. The 180 degree rule, is always used when filming sports, such as football or rugby.