- Cups of tea/coffe, packet of crisps, magazines, sweets, and a mobile, on the table seperating two seats, on the train.
- Train ticket
- Duffle bag, containing clothes, and toiletries.
- Ipod
When the camera shots to the girl sitting on the train, the table is going to have refreshments, such as tea/coffe, crisps and sweets. It will also have a magazine, we were going to use a book, however we realised, that if she had left her house in a hurry, to escape, it would be very unlikely that she had time to get a book. Either next to her on the spare chair, or in the over head holder, will be a duffle bag, containing clothes, that have been shoved in hastily. we considered these props while thinking of the mise en scene, as we feel it will give the impression that she is going on a long unplanned journey.
We will also have a train ticket placed on the table, we will use a close up shot, so that the viewer can see that she is travelling to london.

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