Monday 18 January 2010

Thriller Locations

When deciding our locations, we had to consider:
  • Suitability, does it fit our storyline/ genre?
  • Distance from where we live, as we cant go too far away just for an ideal location, due to cost, time and lack of transport.
  • Easy to acces, it would be hard to shoot in a completly overgrown woods, a house thats about to fall down, due to safety.

Locations we chose:

We only needed one location, as our opening takes place on a train. So we considered local train stations we could use. Such as Norwich, Brundal and Whymondham.

Norwich Station:

Brundall Station:

Whymondham Station:

For our final location we chose Norwich station. We made this decision as it is bigger, and overall a nicer looking station. It will also help establish the fact that our character is going on a long journey, as trains to london only come from norwich. It is also all of the people in my group, and is easily accessable.

We deciced to use a train station for our location, as it signifies a long distance journey, compared to a Bus station, Plus it is easier to film on a train, as we can get off at an earlier point, due to frequent stops, unlike on long journey buses.

Trains and train stations are also used in other thrillers such as "The Third Man", in which the opening of the train doors, and the main character exits, this represents a new place for the character, and a new start. This is what we need to achieve in our opening.

Shots of train stations are also used in "strangers on a train", mainly low angle shots, of the characters feet, as they are trailed through the station, showing the two different lives, that meet on this train, and collide. We felt this would work well in our opening, so we are also using Train stations, and low angle tracking shots of our character, to reference this film.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of images to support your ideas. I think you could make this stronger.

    Two things:
    1) Discuss the connotations of the Norwich (city) train station versus the other (rural) train stations. How do they create different connotations/ meanings? You should make use of task 2 to support your ideas here.
    2)What other thrillers use train stations? What do the stations mean/ represent? Consider The Third Man, L'Homme Du Train and Strangers on a Train, the type of stations they use, and the meanings that the stations have.
